P. Code: MI-945 |
Healon Aspirating Cannula angled 10mm from tip |
P. Code: MI-948 |
Rainin air injection cannula spatulated tip, angled at 7mm |
P. Code: MI-951
A.C. wash cannula 18,20,21 & 22 gauge
P. Code: MI-954
Intyre anterior chamber irrigating cannula, smooth blunt tip, 20 to 27G |
P. Code: MI-957 front opening
Randilph cyclodialysis cannula curved spatulated tip, angled at 13mm |
P. Code: MI-960
Lasik Cannula 25g angled tip with 6 Irrigating parts |
P. Code: MI-963
Lacrymal cannula half/ full curved 23-26G |
P. Code: MI-966
Welsh flat olive tip cannula 25G straight/ left /righr |
P. Code: MI-972
Kelman cystotome with sharp point and sharp cutting edge 22G straight / angled |
P. Code: MI-972
Jenson posterior capsule polisher all round sand blasted bulbous tip |
P. Code: MI-975
Greather collar button, micro irisretractor & posterior capsule polisher with side irrigation straight / angled |
P. Code: MI-978
Simcoe Cotex Extractor Cannula, smooth closed tip, with top / side opening facing into curve 23G |